SENSANO - The purchasing platform for the healthcare and social services sector will in future be operated by cooperation management GmbH, 100%[...]
2015 best financial year in the 5-year history of on-mc business consulting In its anniversary year, on mc achieved a[...]
SRH Dienstleistungen GmbH, part of the Heidelberg-based education and healthcare group SRH, has been using the solution since May 1, 2013 to procure[...]
jb-x portal GmbH will in future operate under the name Contrador GmbH with new managing director Stefan Bauer and is[...]
on mc supports software introduction at OSRAM GmbH OSRAM commissions on mc with the introduction of a real[...]
Munich, March 1, 2013 - Driven by steady growth and the desire to optimize purchasing processes, buy[...]
on mc is commissioned for BNP Paribas IT project in the real estate environment BNP Paribas Real Estate GmbH[...]
on mc is commissioned by Siemens AG - Real Estate The commissioning of on mc by the[...]
jb-x SRM-Suite 3.0 impresses with its functionality and usability in the SRM sector. The experience gained in recent years has been[...]
on mc becomes a member of the Project Management division in October 2012 As external consultants, on mc employees turn to[...]