SRH Dienstleistungen GmbH, part of the Heidelberg-based education and healthcare group SRH, has been procuring via the jb-x SRM Suite solution since May 1, 2013.
Passau, October 1, 2013 - SRH Dienstleistungen GmbH has opted for the procurement solution from eprocurement software specialist jb-x business solutions GmbH from Passau. A low installation effort and effective implementation made it possible to switch to the new solution after just 4 months of the project.
Central purchasing units, which act as service providers across locations within the Group and also operate in sectors with fast-moving prices, must be able to aggregate and analyze purchasing information in order to make the right decisions as a strategic purchasing unit within a company. In 2011, SRH Dienstleistungen GmbH decided to examine the possible applications and functionalities of existing software providers. The selection process took into account the functional scope of the solution, integration options in the existing SAP solution, user-friendliness, the additional range of functions for carrying out tenders and the options for mapping approval workflows. The company's consulting expertise and experience in the hospitality and care market earned it further points in the rating. jb-x business solutions GmbH was able to hold its own against several well-known providers and was commissioned with the operation and implementation at the beginning of 2013.
The project and the coordination with suppliers, the IT, catering, cleaning and accounting departments and colleagues in Purchasing were led by Purchasing Manager Christopher Würz. "The project and the introduction of the solution gives us the opportunity to optimize our processes and tailor the range of articles even better to our customers. The presentation of the process possibilities, the experience in corporate structures and the support of Mr. Braun, Managing Director of jb-x, were very helpful for a quick implementation, says Christopher Würz, Purchasing Manager of SRH Dienstleistungen GmbH.
"In addition to the pure software functionality, important success factors for eProcurement projects are the connection of suppliers, the consideration of compliance rules with regard to the purchasing strategy and the full integration of the solution into the SAP landscape. The open interface structure of SAP and jb-x enabled rapid integration. We are delighted that we were able to win SRH as a customer," explains Joachim Braun.
From the start, more than 30,000 articles in 12 own catalogs and over a million articles in 3 linked catalogs are available on the new SRH Dienstleistungen GmbH purchasing platform. A rollout to other business units in the Group is currently being examined. The bundling of additional order volumes in a procurement platform is intended to leverage further synergies and reduce the proportional costs of system operation. Furthermore, "the procurement platform should also make it possible to connect external companies at attractive conditions," says Christopher Würz, Head of Purchasing at SRH Dienstleistungen GmbH.
SRH Dienstleistungen GmbH specializes in facility management services such as building technology, catering, cleaning, IT and security services. With more than 1,000 employees, it supports customers within the SRH Group and in external healthcare and educational institutions. SRH Dienstleistungen GmbH is part of the SRH Group - a leading provider of education and healthcare services with over 8,000 employees. SRH operates private universities, educational centers, schools and hospitals throughout Germany.
To SRH Dienstleistungen GmbH:
"Our aim is to provide educational, social and healthcare institutions with the best possible support in their day-to-day operations so that they can focus their resources optimally on their core business.
To this end, we are constantly developing new ideas in the areas of catering, cleaning, facility management and IT services and turning them into useful services that support our customers in ensuring their own service and supply quality.
We work closely with the companies in the SRH Group, but also make our expertise and facility management services available to kindergartens, schools, local authorities and industrial and commercial enterprises."
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